Well, Big Trip 2013 is in the books. It doesn't happen often but the Holdhusens called Uncle and packed up early. We were supposed to stay in the cabin near Asheville through the 4th of July but all signs were pointing to an early departure. The cabin was super small, stinky, and, well, gross. While the view was pleasing, the dread one felt at the prospect of showering in water that smelled like manure just became too much so we left. It wasn't just the stink...the rain just kept coming and the wireless was touchy. Whatever....we left.
In sticking with big trip tradition we went horseback riding on Sunday. The stable we chose was top notch. Our guide was a retired firefighter from Florida who had more Western North Carolina history to offer than I knew was possible. Odelia rode tandem with Mark on Morgan. Milo's horse was Scout and I rode Frankie. The stable was on a huge ranch that also housed some exotic farm animals and kittens that our guide kindly introduced the kids to. Delightful, sunny and peaceful morning of riding followed by some playground fun and a picnic.
The following day we headed into Asheville. It was an absolute train wreck from the moment we stepped out the door. The rain poured down, ruining our plans for a morning park visit/jogging excursion and that left us with perusing some fun shops downtown, only perusing shops with kids isn't always that fun. Milo and Odelia were delighted to spend the remaining few dollars of their vacation funds but it proved to be a lot of work for both Mark and me. We did have a super tasty southern hipster breakfast at Tupelo Honey Cafe. Mmmmm, biscuits.
Tuesday. More rain. We headed to our ziplining appointment with high hopes that we could endure an afternoon in the rain for some high flying fun. The zip line was at a large park which was also hosting a bluegrass festival. We weaved through hundreds of tents and campers to find the teeny tiny office that housed the office. As we waited (signing waivers and watching all the post-zip merriment of the people who had completed the course) our excitement built. In keeping with the theme of the week, however, the rain also picked up. They said "rain or shine" but the rain was so heavy that it was impairing visibility and creating small rivers below the ziplines. The guides approached our group after we had on all our equipment to suggest that we come back another time later in the afternoon or a different day. They assured us that it would be safe if we wanted to go out but they also said we'd have more fun if it wasn't pouring. The other twosome that was in our group quickly bailed. We had driven an hour and a half through the mountains with two excited children and now we had on all of our gear (as did the kids). We did what any stubborn, vacation-loving parent would do and we made those poor guides take us out. By the time we headed out on the course the rain had let up a bit. In the end it seemed like a win-win. We got the guides all to ourselves since the rest of the group bailed and the heavy rain made our adventure all the more memorable. All of us agreed that it was one of the most memorable parts of big trip 2013 and I've already extensively Googled other ziplining adventures for the family.
Wednesday we woke up with grand plans of heading to Asheville again to try to hit some of the spots we missed due to the rain and our fowl moods on Monday but, alas, it was raining with no hope of stopping in the next THREE days. We threw in the towel! The kids sat in front of the television for an hour while we packed up the car and cleaned the cabin and we got the heck outta dodge. We spent the day meandering through Asheville (eating lunch at BBQ spot Mark had scoped out called 12 bones) and then hiking through some of Smoky Mountain National Park. I use the term "hiking" very loosely as, you guessed it, STILL RAINING.
We're home now, happy to be sleeping in our own beds, washing clothes at a moments notice (just kidding, that still sucks) and eating from a well-stocked and spacious kitchen but we are already talking about BT'14. Until next year...
We had a few moments of sunshine to play "dollar store cup bowling". All the credit for this incredible game needs to be given to me. |
This was the end of our bowling where we free-styled. |
We had some serious s'more and camp fire fun. On this particular evening we only had two tiny logs so Mark and O's are working REALLY hard to get the fire going. |
Firefly catchin' |
They would have caught fireflies all night. They also used the jars to create habitats and they spent a fair amount of time stuffing Little People into them too. Who knew that a glass jar could be that much fun! |
Two logs and no skewers but we made those tasty confections happen! |
Pre-horseback riding. Our guide introduced us to all kinds of animals in the barn. |
All helmeted up and ready to ride! |
Odelia and Mark on Morgan. |
Milo saddles up. |
Getting to know Scout. |
Can you tell that Odelia likes horses? |
Morgan, the horse, pooped a lot on the trail. My horse would get as close as she could to Morgan while she was doing her business without actually getting her nose dirty. I spent a lot of the ride diverting my eyes. |
The view during our ride. Our very informative guide said that "Blue Ridge" comes from the view of the mountains....makes sense. |
This is Frankie the poop-smelling horse. She was a good girl. |
The family. Riding. Just like in the oldin' days. |
After the horses we went for a picnic. Mark (accidentally) whacked Milo in the head with a tetherball. |
North Carolina! |
I love this picture enough to make it really big. Aren't they so stinkin' cute? |
And then the rain came...We bought a variety of candy bars to try out in s'mores. It rained. We decided to move the party to the front porch. Here we are huddled up under the porch trying to make some lemonade out of our lemons... |
More firefly fun! |
His habitat. |
S'mores and the pitter patter of the rain on a tin roof. Doesn't it sound divine? One night, sure. Five nights, not so much. |
Squeezing under the porch...you get the idea, right? |
Milo is squarely in the "bunny ears are hilarious" stage of childhood. |
Milo wields the camera. Scary face. C'mon O's we all know you can make a scarier face than that. |
Odelia wields the camera. Silly faces. |
Darn it...it really is so pretty. I can tell you, however, that we have learned that a pretty view does not make of for an inhabitable cabin. Personal growth... |
Burnsville, NC Big Trip 2013 |
Make it count! Big Trip 2013 |
All geared up for ziplining. |

Getting her gear adjusted. Look how serious she is.
We started our soggy adventure here! |
Mark zips. |

This is Milo working the high ropes bridge all by himself. He was so proud of himself and said several times, "That was hard."
Man, she was cute ziplining. She just looked so tiny. She asked me for a couple of days before we went if it was "safe" for her to go ziplining. I wasn't sure how she'd react once she saw how high up it was. We went tandem the first time and then she was adamant for the last zips that she was going on her own.

I zip! Crazy fun!
All done ziplining. Soaked and happy. |
Mark HATED the kitchen in the cabin. He pulled me away from a mad game of Candy Crush so I could snap a picture of him trying to pry a fork out of the back of the fridge. |
Hill-rolling. |
12 Bones Asheville, NC |
Smoky Mountain National Park |
Pre- mini hikes. Still dry. Smoky Mountain National Park. |
It was so "smoky" that most of the mountain overlooks just looked like a sheet of white. Smoky Mountain National Park |
Ready for a hike. |
My good friend Tracy spread her dad's ashes on this trail in the Smokies. We made a visit to the trailhead but none of us were up for a four mile hike. Another time, I suppose. |
Weird red fungus growing from a tree. Smoky Mountain National Park |
A little ways in on Tracy's trail. Smoky Mountain National Park |
Video of our ziplines:
We got everyone except Mark since he was the videographer.