We piled into the Matrix today for a loooong trip to see the Columbia Ice Fields. Mark has been telling us for weeks that he wanted to see a glacier on his birthday. It was a 3 hour trip there and back. We were triumphant in seeing the glacier and we also got to see many other amazing things, the coolest being a grizzly bear as we were heading home. It was breathtakingly huge and we went by it so fast that the kids didn't even get to see it. Bummer for them but they've got their whole lives ahead of them, right? We did try to turn around so we could see it better but she had already retreated back into the woods. As we were turning around and rolling up to the spot where we had initially seen her Mark hands me the camera and starts rolling down the window. Window up, window up! It was a non-issue since the bear was outta there but apparently I needed to be more explicit with my wildlife rules. If I am refusing to sleep in a tent anywhere even close to where grizzlies roam, I thought one could infer that any photography of said animal would be from the comfort of my enclosed vehicle.
Milo said two things today to Mark about his birthday that were super Milo-esque
1) As we opened the curtain to our deck this morning he looked out the window and then at Mark and said, "What a beautiful day to go see a glacier"
2) We have been telling the kids for several days that going to visit the glacier was what daddy wanted to do for his birthday. They both seemed to get it but Mark and I were both a little concerned about the drive and the actual walk to the glacier. How excited can a 2-year-old and 4-year-old get about a glacier? As we were walking up the path to the glacier (which was crazy long and rocky) Milo said, "Daddy, you can take as much time on the glacier as you want." Seriously, could that kid get any sweeter?
Odelia spent the day talking about her birthday and trying to convince us all that it was actually her birthday. Oh, to be 2! As we were arriving back in Canmore she did treat Mark to a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday" which is absolutely heart-melting when any child sings it but when it is your own kid it's brilliant.
We ate at an insanely expensive micro-brewery ($80, yikes!) and drank some so-so beer, followed by some swimming and birthday cheesecake. Good day.
This is Milo drawing a picture for his friend,
Clara. He got a text message (picture) from her today and spent at least an hour making her a rainbow and flowers. |
Banff (on our way to the glacier) |
Hello, Matrix. Thank you for all your hard work today. |
Banff |
Rock throwing session #1 |
A nice boy named Josh took this picture. |
Creepy large bear statue at Columbia Icefield |
Glacier |
Glacier: This was immediately after we just made the 10 minute hike up to it and just prior to Odelia saying, "I gotta go potty". |
Ice, Ice Baby! |
They had signs all around the rope fence saying, "Scientists and tour guides only beyond this point". Mark really, really tried to justify heading out on to the ice in the name of science but couldn't figure out how his mechanical engineering degree might benefit the glacier. |
This picture does not do the hike to the glacier justice. Imagine hiking up a rocky path at 7000 feet elevation with Odelia on your shoulders... |
Weeping Wall |
Rock throwing session #2 |
Odelia tried to pick up a boulder that was bigger than her today. She even called me over to help her ("Mom, you help me throw this"). She settled for this one. I am hoping that one of these blogs isn't all about one of us making a visit to the ER with a head wound. |
Sorry, Mom! I kept her safe and we encountered no birds, bird feathers and no kidneys were hit while playing by the running water. |
No nap, today! |
I "reinforced" the kids' good behavior at the glacier today with promises of a trip to the next candy store we found. It just so happened that we found one on our way back to Canmore. Milo chose this lollipop and Odelia chose a tootsie pop. We didn't get off too bad considering I told them that they could get ANYTHING they wanted. |
I also found these disgusting Jelly Bellys at the Candy Store. Moldy cheese, anyone? Don't say you're not going to play my little game because I'll sneak one into your cereal. Ha! |
Milo's sloppy seconds. |
Elona's sunglasses: 1 of 4 |
Elona's sunglasses: 2 of 4 |
Elona's sunglasses: 3 of 4 |
Elona's sunglasses: 4 of 4
I'd like to tell you all that this was just a way to keep the kids occupied while we waited for our food but really I was the ring-leader. Everyone loves a good series shot. |
Happy Birthday, Mark! We love you!
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