Well, it's been quite an exciting weekend. We left Vancouver on Friday morning all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready for a few days of relaxing in the Cascade Mountains. We leave Vancouver with a short 40-minute drive to the border. I don't even nag the kids to use the bathroom because I'm thinking we'll be at Target in Washington within the hour. WRONG! We waited to cross the border for 1 hour and 40 minutes. The kids were fantastic. About 50 minutes into the wait, Milo said, "Why aren't we moving?" and that was about it from either of them. Milo did add a bit of zest to the crossing when the border patrolman asked that we uncover the child in the backseat. He had completely covered himself with his blanket and it did look like we might have been smuggling a little Canadian across the border.
On Friday we had our laptop and all of our swimming suits and towels stolen from our campsite. Boo. We freaked out for a while but, in the end, we couldn't do anything to change it so we moved on. On Saturday night Odelia and I were walking out of the bathroom and she pointed to a woman wrapped in a towel and said, "Milo's towel." We sprinted back to the campsite (oh, I'm telling Mark) and I said, "Mark, a lady up there has Milo's towel". Now, I didn't say a towel "like" Milo's. I was pretty emphatic. Mark took off (with Milo in tow) to go check it out. Let me interrupt this story to let everyone know that I have been reading way too many mystery/crime novels this summer and it is starting to alter my thought process a great deal. I do blame this little episode on the excess crime fiction in my life. Mark returns and tells me that it isn't his towel. He complimented the woman on her towel. She didn't speak English so he pointed to the towel and she showed him it, happily. Milo's had been monogrammed and she was not sporting M-I-L-O on her very cute frog towel. It's sort of funny to think about what would have happened if it had been his towel. Would Mark have ripped the towel out of her hands and ran like the wind with Milo lagging behind in his jammies? That would have been a VERY good blog entry! We were in the middle of nowhere with no towels, no swimsuits and a giant swimming beach. What's a good, lake-loving family to do, you ask? SWIM! We swam in our clothes (well, the kids did). Mark and I waded in our clothes. It turned out fine but we have been extremely diligent about locking our car since then.
We're in Kalispell, Montana until Thursday. House. Beds. Showers. Cable. Wireless.
Pretty flower in the Cascade Mountains |
North Cascades National Park |
7500 feet elevation. Lots and lots of snow. |
Alta Lake State Park, Washington: Setting up camp |
The kids are getting really good at helping set up the tent. |
Mark and the kids at the swim lake. Based on my excellent detective skills I believe this was when all the thievery was taking place. |
Sand-castlin' |
We made a river. This forced the kids to walk up and down the beach hill many, many times. |
Trail Mix? |
Popsicle stupor |
Odelia & Milo |
We buried Mark! |
I refused to let them bury me so they just did my feet. |
Feet buried |
Odelia's new swimwear. (Thank you, Target) |
Both of the kids wanted to put on the new swimming duds when we got to the house at Kalispell today. |
So sorry about your stuff. That's just horrible. Sounds like you're having a blast though. I love seeing the pictures...someone is quite the photographer. Enjoy the rest of your time together!