The tiger habitat. The map. Read on... |
We've spent three nights in Fresno, California at a condo. We took full advantage of the kitchen and laundry room! Our first day in town we visited Yosemite National Park. Until our visit to Yosemite I didn't know it was possible to feel "crowded" in nature. There were people everywhere! Our drive into the park took twice as long as we had planned so we didn't get as much hiking done as we would have liked but we did find a nice swimming hole and ate lunch with a duck. Odelia is toying with swearing off mountains altogether due to a bad case of the carsicks. We had to stop a few times so she could fight off the "bechs". Monday we stayed in Fresno and went to the zoo. The kids have been asking to visit a zoo since we left and we've been putting them off. Mark got peed on by a tiger at a zoo when he was eight and developed a deep hatred for them. Zoos, not tigers. Somehow his logic seems flawed to me... Our Fresno day was also filled with swimming, a trip to Target and Redbox, too. Today we headed to Kings Canyon National Park. We were in pursuit of some Sequoia trees to hug and a lake. Always a lake.
A real lazy river. Merced River, Yosemite National Park |
This duck stared at us through our entire lunch. She didn't leave until we packed up and walked to the river. Even then she kept her eye on us. She got a little too close to Milo and he spooked. Up on the table he went! |
Doritos, please! |
Yosemite National Park |
We were grossly unprepared for how fun the river was...no towels, no swimsuits, no goggles, no buckets.... We swam in our clothes. At the time, I felt like I was being carefree. Three hours later while I was sitting in the air conditioned car, still damp I felt regret...deep regret. |
But it was fun to throw the kids around! |
Yosemite National Park |
Visitor center...we had to park a mile a way and take a shuttle. People and cars everywhere! |
Cap'N Crunch on the patio. Not a morning person. |
I'm a sucker for a good petting zoo. Fresno Zoo |
This goat chased after Mark for a while. Once he wore Mark down he trotted up and stole the zoo map right out of his pocket and ate it up. Mmmmmm, maps. |
For $2.00 dollars they could feed the giraffes lettuce. Sign us up! |
Who wants the last piece? |
This is inside a burned out Sequoia trunk. Kings Canyon National Park. |
Osie the photographer... Sequoia grove Kings Canyon National Park |
Tree hugger Milo |
Kings Canyon National Park |
Kings Canyon National Park |
This is another Sequoia that has been hollowed out by fire. Kings Canyon National Park |
Lake Hume, Kings Cove National Park Again, we were ill prepared. No suits. I stayed dry this time. |
It really is my favorite thing to do. |
Big brother dunks little sister. The end. Lake Hume, Kings Cove National Park, California |
Cannonball! Good-bye California! |
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