Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Mickey Mousing Around

Ten Holdhusens descended on Disneyworld two days ago.  Mark, Milo, Odelia and I drove through the night to arrive Sunday morning at 10am.  As we stopped at our first red light on a month-long trip a woman pulled up beside us and knocked on her window and gave the universal sign that immediately resulted in me rolling down my window.  In the three seconds that I had to surmise what the problem was I convinced myself that I left a diet coke on the roof (not as exciting as a toaster flying off the roof but worthy of mentioning).  It turns out that I did not, in fact, leave the diet coke on the roof but we had a tail light out.  (And we still do.)  Thank you, kind lady in the late 90's coupe for spiraling my 24 hour drive into a modern day version of The Very Worried Walrus.   I conjured up a lot of dire situations due to that nasty taillight.
Day 1 of Disney involved all the merriment involved with complete and utter exhaustion related to a cross-country drive.  Lots of crying and whining from all of us but then a sufficient nap in our new digs at the Coronado Resort and we were ready for swimming with cousins, doting from Grandma and Grandpa and a trip to Downtown Disney for some shopping.  Yesterday we went to Magic Kingdom.  It was a big hit and we all have high hopes of returning for a few more rides soon.  Both of the kids loved the parade!  Today we hit Epcot.  Milo loved The Sum of All Thrills ride where he was able to help design a roller coaster.  Tonight we chilled at the hotel, ate dinner with the family and swam with cousins.  The rain slowed us down a bit today but we've got a fresh agenda for tomorrow!
We left Wausau at 7:30 am, forgot our toiletries and then returned at 7:35.  Our final departure was 7:40.  Kind taillight lady was shortly after 7:45.  The rain started at 7:46.  

At a park in Illinois.  

Hiding behind a tree.  Daddy will never find us.  Shhhhh.

We visited the Chuck in Paducah.  Man, that pizza SUCKS!  I clobbered Milo in skee-ball for the second year in a row.  

Milo asked for his picture to be taken next to the convertible, "since we're in Florida".

Cool dude, Odelia.  

Milo blogs:  We wet to chuck e... ches...we got a hat and we got a nec pilo.

This was the first sign we were at Disney World.  I told the family that I would give a quarter to the first person that saw a sign for Disney and I WON!  Me!

Milo after a 24-hour car ride and a hot shower.  

The Coronado Resort, Disney World.  That is not fog, it is our camera lens adjusting to the glorious Florida humidity.

We're all staying here together.  The cousins are soaking it up!  

First swim with the whole family.  Where's Milo?  

Gabba (Grandma) and O's, bonding.  

No joke.  We arrived at Magic Kingdom and Odelia immediately got pooped on by a bird.  Mark took an above shot to really capture the moment.  

I wasn't good at this game.  David killed me.  But I win for enthusiasm.  

Little Ms. Ellie.  

Odelia and Ellie LOVED "It's a Small World".  We went on it twice.  The simple pleasures, I tell ya!

The Hula Girls were a huge hit!

Odelia and I were back at the hotel napping when this merriment was taking place.  I can't really tell you anything other than I am certain he was in no danger.

Milo Blogs:  I love magic kingdom.

Cousins waiting for the Electrical Parade.  

No one was pelting you with cheap candy at this parade.  It was a refreshing digression!


Piggy bank game at Epcot.  

Test Track was a bust.  We "fast passed" it, waited in line for a while and then got in to the design area only to have them close the ride due to weather.  It was still fun to design our car.  The kids handled the disappointment amazingly well.  

Milo Blogs:  we went to test track... i made a car.

Here are the kiddos waiting for Test Track to re-open.  We eventually bailed on our pursuit after consulting the radar, but we had fun making the car and we peacefully hung out with family in line (free from rain and heat).  

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you got a couple pics with my old pal Pluto! I'll also have you know that the Nemo ride in Epcot used to be "The Living Seas" which was my very first post when I worked there. You guys look like you had so much fun!
