The new name for the blog refers to one of my favorite quotes, "Problems expand to the space provided.". Usually this quote helps shift my own perspective and allows me to analyze how much room I'm allowing a problem to occupy in my mind. I know I've already waxed on about my complete and utter love affair with the month of June and I'll try to keep a lid on my summer loving after this post but the blog title refers to my favorite quote and my ability in the summer to turn it on its head. I love having the space in my life to let "problems" expand. Oh,not big problems but those little ones that my kids need help to turn a pair of sunglasses into spy glasses, how to keep a sand castle from collapsing, how to french braid My Little Pony's mane. Space provided is the expansive area in my life, my year where I have room for those problems we all hope to be troubled with.
Last night we went to see the bats in Austin. It was a huge disappointment as they (the bats) never showed. We waited by the bridge for over an hour with nary a bat in sight. It turns out the bats are in such a good spot, environmentally speaking, that they are able to prolong their meals until later in the evening when those pesky predators are less of a threat. Milo was NOT impressed by the problem-solving skills of the bats and their delayed departure from under the bridge as it meant we would not be seeing them. He entered the car with big, teary eyes saying "Now, I'll never see a bat." I so, so wanted to solve the problem for him, ease the disappointment but, alas, we just had to let him feel sad.
We ate some serious Texas food in Austin, too. First Chuy's (mmmm tex mex) and then we went to Salt Lick. Words cannot describe how Texas this place was. It was fantastically tasty and excessive...two things Texas loves to boast about. We sat in the heat feasting on brisket and Shiner Bock. Glorious.
Diving Milo! |
Relaxing in the pool. |
I was smack talking about how good I was at tether ball. I promptly jumped up to hit the ball and pulled a muscle in my leg and was benched for the rest of the game. |
Milo watched so many episodes of the Smurfs on his way down to Texas that he shrunk. He's only three apples high now. (Austin Children's Museum) |
Salt Lick. Odelia took t this picture. |
Salt Lick. Milo took this picture. |
My adorable fella. |
Salt Lick's ventilation system. This means something to Mark and some other people. |
Delicious. |
Salt Lick |
Striking a yoga pose in Austin, TX |
Happy Home Yoga: This one is for you! |
The stinkin' bats in Austin. Over an hour of waiting, further leg injuries sustained by Elona and a very, very sad 5-year-old. |
People waiting for the bats. Fickle little guys! |
Today we headed to San Antonio. The kids and I will be hanging out while Mark and his colleague/good friend Christa present their award-winning paper (seriously, they did win an award) and tend to the very important task of educating future engineers. He doesn't boast but we are all very proud of him. Christa promised to take a picture of them at the award breakfast so hopefully I'll be able to post a picture of my brilliant fella in all his engineering education glory.
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