Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Face paint follies

The wireless at our cabin in the Black Hills is painfully slow.  Sunday we drove through Yellowstone.  We saw lots of cool stuff but it was all clouded by the altitude sickness that was magnified by all the switchbacks. Blech!  We arrived in South Dakota on Monday afternoon (after making a lunch stop at Devils Tower, WY). Lots of cousin-fun for the kiddos!
I purchased some face paint when we were in Vancouver.  I had no idea all the fun you could have with it!  Here uncle Bryce is getting decorated from head to toe!

Annabelle, the clown

Super Milo!  

Odelia's rainbow.  She was so proud!

Ben and his star

Aunt Britty does her best CATS impression

Mark and our good friend, Beth Day, both had the same threadless t-shirt.  Twins!

Shooting star 

This is the handlebar mustache that B requested.  Ummm, sorry B.

Ben and Jen: Mount Rushmore

Bill and Mom: Mount Rushmore

Mount Rushmore

Silly faces

Benjamin, Milo and Annabelle in Wind Cave

My niece, Annabelle.  Wind Cave

Wind Cave: B


Zipline (B & Britt).  Milo and I also went on it.  

Baby Bears wrastlin' in bear country

Have you ever seen anything cuter than this?  Bear Country in the Black Hills

Wolf at Bear Country

My sister, Jen, me and my brother, B

My mom and her sister (my aunt) Sherry

Devil's Tower, Wyoming

Family picture at Devil's Tower...well, except for the lady in purple.  She's someone else's family.

This was unprompted.  ;)


Hot springs in Yellowstone

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