Monday, July 18, 2011


We pulled into our driveway today with 6,386 miles logged on this trip.  We had an amazing time but there is no place like home.  The kids squealed with delight at their rooms, toys, the dogs...everything felt new again.  Saturday we went to the Washington Pavilion with family.  The kids loved all the different exhibits.  Yesterday we got to hang out with our good friends and all our kiddos (7 total).  Today we met Great Grandpa Glenn and Aunt Karen in Minneapolis for lunch and then headed home.  I don't think any of us were as happy as Odelia.  She rolled around in her big girl bed and studied every single doll she had to leave at home.  She put them to bed, woke them up, fed them and carried them from room to room by their hair.  

Mark and Grandpa

Milo and Aunt Karen

Our lunch visit with Grandpa Glenn

Britty, Fran and Trav

We have heaps and heaps of dirty clothes.  Mark couldn't find his running shorts at the last hotel we stayed at so he borrowed mine.  Ohhhhhhh, the laughter.  

Cousin Eleanor and Grandma

Grandma had banana splits for the kiddos. 

Ellie with her treat.

O's digging in

Milo with a mouthful of banaa split

Milo and Annika at the Washington Pavilion

Odelia and Grandma

Swimming at Grandma and Grandpa's

Milo, Grandma and Eleanor

Odelia and Ellie

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