Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Kettle chips are bad for you...who knew?

Mark and Christa won 3rd place for best paper at their conference AND had a great presentation.

Obligatory Alamo picture.

We had a fabulous visit to San Antonio. The river walk is beautiful and the Alamo was, well, historically impressive but boring (sorry, Texans). The kids and I spent the day together while Mark and Christa presented like it was their job (which, I guess, it is). We lazed around the hotel room, watched a little Fresh Beat Band and then headed up to the VIP lounge for a little breakfast (thanks again, Christa). We made our way to the San Antonio Children's Museum for some mid-morning fun.  We frolicked and played through the morning (swallowing a little disappointment that they did not have an art room as Milo had his sights set on making a remote control out of cardboard).  We asked for a lunch recommendation from a staff member at the children's museum and settled on an overpriced touristy cafeteria-ish place (think Wall Drug meets Texas).  As we settle in to eat, I take one of Milo's kettle chips off his plate and he says, "You know mom, those are, like, the worst kind of potato chips for you".  Suffice it to say, I didn't have another one.  I almost told him that his lemonade was full of high fructose corn syrup but then, sadly, realized that that would be more of a reflection on my lax parenting than his dietary choices.  Tonight we went to the Alamo and then out for some celebratory Mexican food with Christa.  Tomorrow we are heading to Carlsbad, NM where we will be chillin' at the local Motel 6.  We are making wide swings in our lodging this trip.  It keeps it fresh and exciting (today I imagine meeting a celebrity in the VIP lounge and tomorrow I'll be imagining crawly things on the polyester bedspread).  
This is the unlocked fridge full of Diet Coke in the VIP lounge.  Now that's livin'.

The fun never stops in the VIP lounge!  

We went on a boat tour.  Milo kept saying, "Take a picture of that, Dad."  Finally he said, "How about anything that the guy talks about you take a picture of?"  We have a thoroughly documented 35 minute boat tour of San Antonio.

Odelia wields the camera 1
Odelia wields the camera 2
Odelia wields the camera 3

Boat tour, San Antonio, Texas

Humidity in Texas.  

Flying a plane at the children's museum.  It took several verbal prompts for Odelia to release that pilot's hat from her death grip as we departed the plane.  
Burger, no bun.  Notice the kettle chips.  
Happy Home Yoga:  Posing in front of the Alamo (in a dress).  
He went right up to this and pushed is forehead into it.   Probably all that lemonade I let him drink at lunch.

Oh, sweet, sweet Milo.  Bless that smile.

The river walk.
Adios, San Antonio!

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