Thursday, June 9, 2011

Black hills, green trees and one bouncy 2-year-old

Milo has been VERY inquisitive about the Black Hills.  "Why are they black?"  "When you get closer they don't look black?" and more recently we've delved deeper into the subject, "Why do people cut down trees?"  I remember the mystery of the Black Hills from when I was a kid and being disappointed when I got there and I could detect that they were actually green.  I felt a little cheated by the name, or at least in my 7-year-old brain I thought they had missed the boat a bit.  I'll be interested to see his reaction, but that's far off.

Odelia reacted to a mosquito bite on Tuesday night and she has a giant, blistery welt on her leg.  I took her to walk-in today and they advised us to give her benadryl for a few days.  Ok, but now, while she may not be as blistery and swollen, she has enough energy to scale large buildings.  She was sitting at lunch today bobbing back and forth.  The doctor said she'd either be "a bit" jittery or she'd be drowsy.  I think we drew the short stick on that one...

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