Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Shiniest Credit Card In The Whole Wide World

Pretty uneventful day.  We are heading west tomorrow in order to get to Banff by Friday so we had some laundry and grocery shopping to do in preparation for 2 nights of camping.  We went to the zoo...kind of a bust.  They were doing a lot of construction so it felt like we did more walking by empty exhibits than anything.  
The Highlights:
1) 2 more comments about our shiny credit card (seriously, it's not anything special).
2) Milo purposefully went under water today while we were swimming (and then Odelia did it immediately after that...wild child).
3) Super dinner today of Falafel and Tabouli.  
We've got three days of driving between here and Banff.  Mark insists it's going to be a lot of wheat fields but I'm hoping we see something exciting..."World's largest paperclip collection", "World's tallest_________"...You get the picture.  Stay tuned, pictures will follow if we stumble across something (anything) exciting between here and Banff.  

Milo found this peacock on top of a construction site at the zoo.

1 comment:

  1. Mark and Elona,

    You guys are awesome. Makes me long for the days that Hannah, Jonathon and Thomas were that little and we took our trips to Canada. We leave next Friday and you have given me a new appreciation.

    Have a great time.
