Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Yee Haw, Cowboy!

Both kids have started jumping into the pool.  Hours and hours of fun! (And hours and hours)

Here's our trip route.  We are on letter "F" right now.  Our remaining destinations are:
(G) Okanagan Valley, Canada
(H) Vancouver, BC, Canada
(I) Cascade Mountains, WA
(J) Glacier Nat'l Park, MT
(K) Helena, MT
(L) Bozeman, MT
(M) Big Horn Canyon, WY
(N) Black Hills, SD
(O) Sioux Falls, SD
(P) Home

We went horseback riding today.  It was a 20 minute ride around the ranch and the kids got to dress up as cowboys and cowgirls.  The kids and I were crazy with excitement when we got to the ranch.  Horses and dogs were everywhere.  Odelia didn't know where to look first and Milo wore a big grin for the entire time we were there.  His horse was named Quincy, mine was Maverick (yes, more than a few McCain jokes flew today) and Mark and Odelia rode Rocky.  After horseback riding we went to Lake Louise and walked around and at lunch.  We've got one more day in Banff and then we are camping for a few days before we get to Vancouver.  
Birthday Ice Cider on the balcony

Watching the sunset on Summer Solstice (and Mark's Birthday)

Cowgirl, Osie O!

Look at this kid, he walked around that ranch like horseback riding was old hat.

I told the kids to use their lassos and give a big "Yee Haw".  I love Odelia's face!  

Horseback riding: Lake Louise

Rocky, the horse, munched on grass.  

Milo, the cowboy

Cowboys and Cowgirls

The lady running the tour was fantastic.  She took our pictures, dressed the kids up, found Milo a sheriff badge and then found hats for Mark and I to borrow.  At the end she gave each of the kids a toy.  

Lake Louise

Lunch at Lake Louise



Back up the hill for another roll!

Milo Sandwich

Odelia sandwich

Mommy torture

I love this picture.  He looks so old.  

Mark and Odelia 

Lake Louise

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1 comment:

  1. You guys are so awesomely cute. It's nice to see things I enjoyed as a kid - like rolling down hills - in your blog. Happy late birthday to Mark!
