Thursday, June 23, 2011

Ice Cream With A Side Of Bummer

Morraine Lake

Today was our first bummer day.  We went on a scenic drive and stopped for a short hike to a canyon.  The first thing the kids saw was a sign for ice cream (it was 9:30 am) at the lodge by the trail.  Odelia couldn't shake her "need" for ice cream and threw a colassal temper tantrum.  Fun.   The trail was crazy busy and very narrow.  Boo.  None of us were excited to be there, especially Milo who couldn't figure out how to get a rock thrown into the darn rapids.  We continued our drive to Morraine Lake.  The rain started about half way there and continued once we arrived.  That dashed our hope of canoing.  We snapped a few pictures and left.  Naps.  Packing.  Swimming. Ice Cream (much to Odelia's relief).  We did see some elk and one black bear on our drive.  We head out into the wilderness tomorrow and arrive in Vancouver on Sunday.  Fingers crossed for moderate temps and plenty of sunshine. 

At the trail head...she had just recovered from her mega-tantrum and Milo hadn't yet realized that he would not be making rock meet water on this hike. 

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