Monday, June 13, 2011

Confessions of a school teacher mom

Mark and I both work our tails off during the school year.  I can't speak for him, but I spend a lot of time wondering why I give my "best" energy to my students and often leave O's and Milo with the seconds (tired, stressed, cranky and sometimes, "kidded out").  I also use a lot of mental energy justifying all of this by saying, "but I've got the summers".  In reality, I know that I do my best for them throughout the year and I know it's the devil on my shoulder who is layering on all the bad mother guilt.  I'm trying to send the devil on my shoulder packing (well, for the summer at least).    

Today we went to the Winnipeg Children's Museum and I spent three glorious hours laughing and smiling with my kids.  It was a decadent trip for me.  I watched both of them assert their personalities, with Odelia not budging an inch as an overly energetic 8-year-old boy tried to push her to the side in an exhibit she was eating up and Milo gently relinquishing his turn at the giant xylophone so a smaller child could try it out first.  Like all children's museums, I ate it up, observing and analyzing every exhibit. 

We ate at a Vietnamese restaurant tonight.  Milo wanted egg rolls. was a tasty excursion for all of us.  The kids tried their best with the chopsticks but ended up sucking the noodles in the Pho up with a hand/spoon/mouth combo which I'm sure totally grossed the other patrons out.  

Apparently the Canadians don't have 1) Target 2) Shiny credit cards.  I'm not sure how our credit cards really differ but at every spot we've handed them ours they have had to do some special trick to get ours to work and we've had several cashiers mention that our card is "very shiny".  Apparently they prefer a more matte look to their credit.  The lack of Targets just makes me sad for them.  I know that's probably disgustingly consumerist and American but, damn, that sure sucks.  We've heard that they'll be making their appearance in Canada next year.  Fingers crossed for you, Canada.   

Still a camping picture, but how could I resist with all that enthusiasm?

Super cool slide at the Winnipeg Children's Museum

This was a giant madlib board.  Milo turned it into a menu and created his very own restaurant.  I ordered a lot of banana splits today.  

Yeah, composting!

1 comment:

  1. For those not from Wausau wondering why we would go to a Vietnamese restaurant to get egg rolls, the "egg rolls" Milo wanted are actually Hmong spring rolls. That is what Wausau calls them.
